Creation and start of work as a legally constituted company for the territory of Colombia. Taking advantage of the wide experience in the handling of rotating machines by its promoter, Engineering for Industry INPRAIND was constituted by its shareholders on October 12, 2006, with the purpose of advising the industry in this field and commercializing HIGH EFFICIENCY Motors and controls promoting The rational use of URE energy in the Colombian electric industrial sector. Starts work in the market in the modality of DISTRIBUIDOR of world-class brands like Teco Westinghouse and Parvalux.
With Colombian law on ERUs, INPRAIND decided to offer in 2007 activities on energy saving studies in electric motors for which the URE service department establishes very positive experiences with AAA companies in the Mining and Manufacturing sector and OIL & GAS like Ecopetrol, Pacific Rubiales, Canacol Energy, Argos, Cetexa, Propilco, Esenttia, Cerrejón, Ocensa, Isagén, Aquacar, EPM with more than 200 Mw in equipment sold and installed until now.
From this same year INPRAIND gets the RETIE certfy.
2008 -2010
Strengthening marks in the national market and with the good results of the URE projects, INPRAIND, approaches by strategy to TRAINING the industrial sector in GOOD PRACTICES in the USE OF ELECTRIC MOTORS and CONTROLS of the high efficiency, for which it creates alliances with authorized workshops of long trajectory at national level with the Firm intention that the Colombian companies keep personnel trained by RELIABILITY and correct selection of rotating machines of the high efficiency in the critical processes of its plants. We then decided to adopt the ISO 50001 culture to further support the industry in establishing GOOD PRACTICES to improve energy efficiency.
2010 -2013
Visualization of INPRAIND as exclusive representative of Teco-Westinghouse for the Colombian territory and INPRAIND in turn decides to appoint DISTRIBUTORS in each of the main REGIONAL ones of the country like Zones of the Caribbean, Zone Pacific, Central Zone, East Zone and Andean Zone. This was strengthened INGENIERIA PARA INDUSTRIA INPRAIND.
With accompaniment to the PRE, SALE and POSTVENTA businesses in favor of the customers. It continues with the plans of URE, TRAINING and URE by RELIABILITY, RECONVERSION of ELECTRIC MOTORS best efficiency, TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS and ELECTRONIC CONTROLS.
2014 -2017
CHANGE COMMERCIAL RELATIONSHIP between TECO WESTINGHOUSE and INPRAIND in the Colombian Market. TECOWESTINGHOUSE – INPRAIND modify your commercial relationship to cease exclusivity. From this year 2014 INPRAIND continues to provide ENGINEERING SERVICES to this and other world-class brands so it is REDIRECTED as an engineering company DISTRIBUTING the previous brands with the full support of the manufacturers, also introducing new BUSINESS DIVISIONS. It integrates to ELECTRIC MOTORS, TRANSMISSION OF MOVEMENT AND CONTROLS, Swichgear and transformers and it is also created THE DIVISION OF CENTRAL ENERGY BUSINESSES: Thermoelectric, Photovoltaic, Wind, Water.
Now fulfilling 11 Years of existence, with great pride and responsibility INPRAIND conforms its BUSINESS UNITS with new REPRESENTATIONS, DISTRIBUTIONS and ALLIANCES to consolidate itself as one of the most interesting alternatives in business development for the industry in America.
Today it counts on human talent of the highest quality in each of its BUSINESS DIVISIONS. Employees committed, providing the best service and advice, always with the OBJECTIVE to continue growing WITH YOU and FOR YOU and positioning your products and services in the Colombian and Latin American market, always WITH A GREAT SENSE AND HUMAN COMMITMENT.